Friday, February 28, 2014

Getting to know me...

"When Fate Comes Knocking..." That's how I view the decision for me to write again. Fate knocked and I simply answered the door.

Hi, my name is Krista Kelley (or that's the name I write under.). I am a stay-at-home mom and wife who also dabbles in the literary process. I've been doing this thing people call writing since I can remember. Elementary school, I believe. My grandmother even still has notebooks filled with my "writings". The musings of a child.

Sorry, I got off track a little bit. I tend to do that. So, a little about me. I'm in my early twenties and live in a small town in Kentucky. As I pointed out before, I am married (sorry, gentlemen) and have a beautiful little girl who I affectionately call Baby Boo. You will probably read a lot about her in my coming posts, since she is my world. :) I've always enjoyed writing, but it was more recently that I took it up more seriously. And all because a dear friend of mine encouraged me to. I saw her following her dreams and I thought, "Hey. Maybe my dream of being an author isn't so far-fetched." And so it began. It's been almost a year since I started and I haven't looked back since. Okay, maybe once or twice. In November (2013), I did NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month for those who don't know. And I won. I wrote a book. In 30 DAYS! And I am currently waiting on an email back from an editor on whether or not that book will be picked up by a publisher. Pretty awesome if I say so myself.

So, so far, I'd have to say the year is going pretty good so far. Let's hope Fate continues to smile down on me. And considering I know the Lady Clotho pretty well, *wink* I think she will.

Well, I think that's about it. If there's anything you'd like to know more about, you can comment! Oh, a couple more things.

Where to find me:

Twitter: @KristaKelley448

Hoping Fate smiles on you, as well!



  1. You gotta love the Lady Fate...*grins* So proud of you my little love and wishing you so much success! Your time is NOW!!!!!
